Greatest Love of All, Whitney Houston (1963 – 2012)

This morning when I was getting ready to take my son for his soccer match, my wife came running down the stairs saying Whitney Houston has died. My initial reaction, oh no! another one, must be drug related. I don’t want to come across making assumptions but she was well known to have struggled with drugs for a long time. A sad manner to begin the day. Another great artist, gone…

I don’t think I’ve  heard a more beautiful voice than hers. My own dating life revolved around the times of the “Bodyguard”. She was truly a remarkable and talented artist. She will be missed dearly. It’s sad to see many gifted artist struggling to cope with their personal life and eventually succumbing to addiction and depression. I believe there’s a big lesson in here for all of us to learn about parenting.

Nowadays in a competitive global world we all want our kids to excel and be the best. I don’t think it’s wrong to be the best that you can be but not at the expense of missing your childhood and forgoing learning vital life skills. There’s also a danger when we don’t push and train them to be their best, that may succumb to mediocrity. So where do we draw the line?

At school and home kids are often pushed to perform in their academics without being taught the basic coping mechanisms in dealing with their daily life. One has to go through a lot growing up in reaching adulthood. I remember the times when I was depressed, felt alone, fiercely competitive, feeling awkward, not knowing how to deal with failure, feeling unworthy, defeated and the list goes on. I had very few people to to turn to for help and at school where I spent most  of time and we were never taught on how to deal with such things. We all go through these things even as adults, how much more  kids who are being pushed hard to succeed. They might go on do well for themselves in the future but do they have all the necessary skills needed to stay alive. It’s a scary thought, but one we must address in our schools and more importantly in our parenting. Isn’t this the “greatest love” that we can provide for our children.