Classroom Management Practice

Classroom Management basically entails in ensuring student engagement in learning.

1. Supporting Activities for ICT Tools

I would provide a step by step handout that will assist the student in using Google Earth even after the demonstrations as students may have different ability level in engaging with ICT.

2. Role of Teacher

As students work on their task, based on their preference and choices, I will be their ‘guide on the side’ providing assistance when needed. In this way I can move from one small group to another.

3. Role of Student Helpers

I have used student experts before and I intend to use them in my lesson plan. Identifying them beforehand and introducing them as student helpers will inform students to whom they can turn  when they need assistance. It is always good to have the school IT staff on the standby just in case I myself encounter a problem that requires their intervention. 

4. Technical Support for Teachers

This again depends on the technical ability and confidence of the teacher. Personally I feel I am able to conduct an ICT class on my own but I also know when I do need help and have staff available to assist me when needed.

5. Establishment of Rules and Procedures

This is extremely important, because when these are not clearly articulated, it can affect the process of teaching and learning. I will make expectations very clear so that students can work safely, securely and most importantly, in a productive manner in completing their work.